cycle support

  1. danieleisit

    Steroid cycle

    Can anybody advise on taking 500 mg of primo and anastrozole as a cycle support? This is for six weeks as well then PCT with clomid only and maybe hcg
  2. VandTuica10Lei

    Test e 500mg/week Cycle Support + PCT plan advice

    I'm currently on 500mg/week Test e , pinning Monday and Thursday. This is my first cycle. I started on October 2nd so this was the first week. So far so good , libido high , no high estrogen, my lifts in the gym didn't go up but I certainly feel better. In my case Test makes me a lot calmer...
  3. Gigantic

    Anemia or Elevated RDW after cycle of Test/Tren/Mast/HCG -> HCG -> Enclomiphene PCT?

    I just got my blood work back after running my PCT, and I noticed something peculiar that I've never seen before. Lately, I've started getting horribly tired, so tired I don't have the energy to leave the house except at certain times. So I got my blood markers, and everything looks fine except...
  4. M

    My planned sustanon only cycle and PCT plan what do you think?

    This will be my first ever cycle Since i only trust pharmacy products my only option is sustanon and primobolan. But i plan to use only sustanon The plan is like this week 1-12, weekly total 500 mg sustanon, it will be 2x250 mg in the week so 2 injections week 1-12, EOD (once in a 2 days)...
  5. MetalHeavy6

    Am I doing enough for this cycle, vitamins, etc.

    500mg sust wk 50 anadrol day 200 prop wk 200 mast wk 200 tren a wk. 10 weeks then for 8 weeks it will be test/deca/mast but i’m mainly concerned about now, i’m 4 weeks in and stating to feel run down and kinda sick. I’m taking..... nolvadex 1 a day for 2 weeks for sore nips. co q 10 red...