
  1. D


    I just got my order from PSL and have been reading some mixed reviews about them. Anyone have any experience with this vendor?
  2. D

    Looking to start first cycle

    I’m looking to start my first cycle test e + Dbol wondering what would be an appropriate dose and what SERMS I should use for pct.
  3. 1

    Low dose d-bol when cutting

    I know d-bol is generally considered a "bulking" steroid, but I am curious of using it on a cut. My goal of using the d-bol (on top of 100mg/week test) would be to increase gym performance, and better pumps/fullness. I'm not too concerned with bloat/water weight as I know I am eating in a...
  4. Zirpon

    Steroids in Thailand 2022 my experience

    you often hear that it is easy to get steroids otc in thailand. the reality on the ground in 2022 is more complex. let me explain. when you go to a pharmacy in Thailand and ask for steroids they will often give you a catalogue like this: but every thing here is fake. i know because i bought...
  5. jimheath

    Dbol or Anavar for last 5 weeks?

    I am about 3 weeks into a 12 week test/deca cycle (500/250). I am thinking of throwing in an oral for the last 4-5 weeks of the cycle but I’m unsure of which. I was originally thinking dbol because I’m trying to put on as much size as possible this cycle. But is it worth it to stack dbol on top...
  6. Kakarot

    Dbol as a bridge

    So I probably should be kicked in the dick for letting myself run out of test (been on trt for awhile first doc then got tired of that and now self medicate but still stay on top of bloodwork). Any who, thought I had a vial of test left went to grab it turned out it was deca:eek::rolleyes:. No...