
  1. VAGeo87

    Off-Season Plan - Mast E vs Deca?

    Hey All, -Very curious about the possible idea of Mast E instead of Deca. If anyone could share their experiences running Mast E, that would be great. How you felt, what results were seen? -Been running on just low does Cyp for some time now, ready to up the dose some and add in a second...
  2. Wrangel7

    What are acceptable serum concentration of Deca and EQ for PCT?

    I'm coming off a major blast of nandrolone decanoate and boldenone undecylenate and sustanon. Sustanon is simpler as you can simply plot out the serum concentration of the longest ester of exogenous testosterone and when it reaches below about 100 ng/dl of exogenous testosterone then PCT is...
  3. N

    Lowest effective dose of Deca/NPP for joint relief

    Hello guys Lately my elbows and knee's have been troubling me, joints in general feel pretty sore lately and i am thinking of adding a little bit of NPP/Deca. I dont want to add that much gear as i am running quite a lot already and so far my bloodmarkers have not been impacted that badly...
  4. M

    Nandrolone Discontinued

    Hey everyone, I have a question that I have not seen posted/discussed - are there any big pharma companies still producing nandrolone (I'm in EU, so that region would be of more relevance for me), but still, regardless of region? I'm in Eastern Europe and there appears to be no nandrolone...
  5. G

    GDRoids Baboon-pharma brand Janoshik lab test

    Source of baboon-pharma brand janoshik lab test . Janoshik Analytical Janoshik Analytical Janoshik Analytical Janoshik Analytical
  6. P

    Deca kick in?

    When do deca start working? From the first injection or does it take a couple of day/weeks to build up in the system before it starts working?
  7. T

    Deca recovery

    As mentioned in my first post, my first deca cycle was not good ran at 2:1. Prolactin and estrogen were under control but a few weeks in I began to feel the effects, physically felt good started to get stronger but mentally I became very anxious, depressed, and jealous. By week 7 I discontinued...
  8. T


    Been on trt for a year and a half roughly through a clinic with many ups and downs between late refills and ignorance on behalf of the providers it’s been an interesting journey trying to feel normal/healthy. Have done varying test cyp doses and a test cyp/deca cycle 200/100 (through said...
  9. T

    Deca paranoid about my liver

    I’ve been on 200-250 deca/week for 2 weeks now and im getting paranoid as fuck that my liver is fucked. I’ve been on test and mast for 2 months and recently added deca. I got bloodwork yesterday that should be back within a week. My bloodwork liver levels were fine on anavar, but 100x normal on...
  10. T

    Deca making me pass out??

    Been on about 200mg deca per week for 2 weeks and I’ve nearly passed out 4-5 times doing things I’d never have nearly passed out before. I got bloodwork yesterday to and hoping I’m in health. Anybody know what could be going on?
  11. demal

    Pct after deca durabolin

    How to pct correctly after a 10-12 weeks cycle of deca and test? I heard deca can stay in your system for a long time, even several months. Will the dosage of deca after several months still be suppressing my test? If I use NPP, will it also stay in my system for months, even if it's a shorter...
  12. Billyt

    Looking for input on bulking cycle

    Hey this is for someone smarter than me please weigh in on thoughts or concerns on this bulking cycle. 35/m been blasting-cruise for about 2 years currently 6’5 about 280 18%bf (estimate) Cal intake 4500 daily 1.5 protien per lbs/.5 fat per lbs/rest filled in with carb mix of white rice and...
  13. J

    Nandrolone (deca/npp) - any evidence its more harmful than test?

    All the harmful reduction educators sound like an echo chamber when it comes to Nandrolone (probably except Derek who has touched on the same topic briefly). Everyone suggests it's more harmful (increased CVD and neuro toxicity) however I have been unable to find any quality studies proving...
  14. C

    Test/deca/eq Ratios

    Any suggestions for the best ratio between test/deca/eq I'm planning something along the lines of 500/250/500 test/deca/eq 20-24 weeks was thinking of kickstarting with 200mg Npp for 5 weeks. Anyone got experience with this combination.
  15. H

    Anyone raised Bone Density with Steroids/HGH/SARMs?

    Has anyone here (preferably over the age of 30) raised their bone mineral density (BMD) with steroids and/or other compounds? I'm looking for people that have DEXA scans showing an increase in bone density before and after steroid use. There is some (often limited) evidence that the following...
  16. S

    Nandrolone (NPP) and Testosterone cycle with TOPICAL Dutasteride

    Hi All, I am experimenting with TOPICAL Dutasteride and Nandrolone for Hair Loss prevention. Since, topical Dutasteride has been more widely used in the last two years— there is little to no anecdotal experiences online from people using it while on a Test/Nandrolone cycle. We know that ORAL...
  17. windowblinds

    Ment vs Nand?

    just wondering how ment compares to nand in terms of bulking. which is easier on bloods? which puts on more muscle with the least sides? i havent used either but it seems like nand is better because how llong its been around and used. what do you guys think, also what about other compounds like test
  18. Bradybomb

    Donating plasma to clear long esters

    What are your guys thoughts on donating plasma a few times to help clear some of the longer ester steroids such as deca from the blood stream so you could start pct sooner? I know it would just be theoretical, but possibly could work?
  19. TexasT

    12 Week Protocol - All GoodLyfe AAS

    For those that are interested I am posting my progress through a 12 week bulk using only @GoodLyfe AAS and GH. I started on March 13th and weighed 295 that morning. This morning I am at 302. Like most of you, I roll out of bed and go pee, then I weigh myself buck naked and bone dry for...
  20. devin1218

    Hgh for trade

    Hey guys, I recently placed an order of 5 kits of the qsc hgh. I've only had it for about 1 week but i know it isn't for me! I had tried mk677 and all the different secretagogues and they all seem to make me retain too much water and give me Hella numb tingly hands, so I went ahead and ordered...
  21. Infidel141


    long time since I been on here, life just been doing it’s thang. I’m about to blast, and adding 2 things I’ve never before used. One being bold cyp, other is gh. So here’s what I got so far. 16-20 weeks T-400/2x week Deca /400 week Bold cyp/ 300 week Anavar first few weeks Like I said. Never...
  22. TexasT

    Local gear for sale in the Farmacias.

    Mexican Border Town Gear Update - Hopped across the border to get some blood pressure meds and tamoxifen today (info posted in the PCT thread). Didn’t see any Aspen Labs Sustanon 250 redijects today. They had plenty of them last month and they were going for $27.00 US each. OUTRAGEOUS price...
  23. Zirpon

    buying steroids in Egypt august 2022

    i spent 4 days in Sharma el sheikh. in egypt you can easily buy test e, sustanon and deca each ampule cost around 18 egyptian pound (1 USD). you can also you buy Egyptian made GH they come in a little 4iu vial with bac water to reconstitute the price is 165 egyptian pound (8 USD). you can also...
  24. F

    Just getting going. Looking for advice on brewing blends.

    I would like to brew a Testosterone Cypionate, Boldenone undecylenate, and Nandrolone decanoate blend. I would like to hit 250MG TC, 250MG EQ, and 200MG Deca per ML. Has anyone brewed a similar batch and or anything along these lines' concentration wise? Any knowledgeable recommendations are...
  25. IntellectualSavior

    Hopping on cycle after 6 months off. Help with compounds.

    Hey folks. So I just moved to the US this past October and life has been quite tough so I didn't have the budget to cycle thus far. I'm planning on hopping on gear again next month. I've lost a lot of weight too I went from 205lbs to 180ish right now. So help me with my plan. What I have in...