
  1. Training till failure

    What needle length for my delts?

    So I use a 32mm 23g 1/¼ inch blue needle for my glutes and then for subq I use 0.30mm (30g) x 8mm. However I have never pinned my delts before and not sure what needle length I need as I'm pretty lean. Also can I pin my chest and if so what needle length would I need if you can pin that area.
  2. dkswrth

    poem to the delt lord himself...

    recite this 3x per week before bed and pins for ultimate delt-cious gains. stay swoll out there homies his palms are sweaty Bi's peaked doms are deadly theres comets on his shoulders already shreds are steady not nervous but on the surface he looks hot and sweaty cant breathe yawns tren cough...