
  1. T

    Just Started Tren Test Cycle, low DHEA bloodwork

    Im in week 2 of a 10 week cycle 400mg Test, 250 mg Tren per week divided up into three injections MWF. Have anastrozole on hand. Prior to starting cycle I had bloodwork done and my DHEA was at 65 ug/dl My TRT doc recommended I start supplementing DHEA. He does not know about the tren or...
  2. bigrobbie

    DHEA, random thoughts.

    I posted this over at TID years back but felt maybe it could be semi relevant still, even I 2020. Excuse the broken sentences, that happened when it was published at TID. DHEA or dehydroepiandrosterone, is a hormone produced naturally from cholesterol in the ex hormone testosterone, so in...
  3. F

    Zero libido/mood swings/other symp on 34yo male > help with diagnose please (LAB RESULTS attached!)

    Hi all! I live in the UK and reached your forum looking for some answers. I will see an Endocrinologist soon but I don't know how 'conservative' is - so would like to have some opinions beforehand... ME: Male / 34yo / No past-current affections / No STDs / No meds / No supplements / Healthy...