
  1. R

    WADA funded research project - could you help?

    At the University of Essex (UK), we are conducting a World Anti-Doping Agency funded research project examining the experience and role of athlete support personnel in the pursuit of clean sport and doping prevention. This project has been approved by the Science and Health Ethics sub-committee...
  2. Eman

    Russian Whistleblower Safety Not IOC Problem

    RIO DE JANEIRO - Russian whistleblower Yulia Stepanova may be in danger after her revelations on doping in her country that triggered a massive scandal and forced her to flee, but it is not the International Olympic Committee’s responsibility, the IOC said on Saturday. Middle-distance runner...
  3. Eman

    Olympic Coach Doping Raid

    Dibaba just took second in the 1500 meter. BARCELONA, Spain (AP) — The coach of world 1,500-meter champion Genzebe Dibaba and other long-distance runners was arrested near Barcelona on Monday after Spanish police raided his hotel room and found traces of EPO and other banned substances. Jama...
  4. Eman

    Russian Doping at SOCHI exposed?

    A Russian whistleblower has information that at least four of Russia's gold medal winners at the Sochi Winter Olympics were on steroids. Vitaly Stepanov reveals this in an interview with Armen Keteyian to be broadcast on 60 Minutes Sunday, May 8 at 7 p.m. ET/PT. An excerpt of Keteyian's report...