
  1. M

    Tennis Elbow?

    I'm selling my house and the painting and various things I have gitten quite bad tennis elbow. Like it hurts to pick up a coffee cup level of bad. It has gotten better over the last 3 days of serious rest. I started doing topical DMSO on it too. Already been doing BPC-157. What else can I do to...
  2. MisterSuperGod

    Upright rows?

    Does anybody do these anymore? Back in the day, people would say that it's a terrible movement and will wreck your rotator cuff. Personally, i loves me some upright rows, (free weight, barbell) but i've noticed my right elbow hasn't been a happy camper lately and i'm thinking it may be...
  3. Blake111

    Help need on cycle!

    So I’m on my 4th week of 500 mg/cc test cyp I’ve got the cycle and pct down along with clean diet...the problem is that both of my elbows have moderate tendonitis in them an I can barely pick up my daughter. Does any one have any advice for upper body workouts that allow my elbow tendinitis to...