
  1. santijanusz

    Injectable vitamins/aminoacids/anti-inflammatory/anti-oxidant source?

    Hi, I was looking to buy some injectable vitamins, minerals and aminoacids (like B, C, calcium...), anti-inflammtory and anti-oxidant (like glutathione, acetylcysteine...). Obviously it's not even close to how good are the "real" injectables, but it's great for speeding the recovery process...
  2. H

    New here: distance runner/endurance athlete

    Hey everyone! Im new here and looking for some guidance into the world of PEDS. When I was younger and uneducated I used EQ and anavar in attempt to get faster. Anavar gave me the worst calf pain and shin splints of my life and made me put on mass. Regardless to say, I did not do very well. I am...
  3. amorgan90

    First Cycle Log - Marathon Runner

    This forum doesn't seem to get a lot of love so I figured I'd post my first cycle log here. I'm 31, a dedicated distance runner, and have been training seriously since around the time the COVID lockdowns started in 2020. I ran my first sub 3 hour marathon back in March (2:58:20) where I...