
  1. Gbaby12

    1000grams of equip and 1000 test a week

    I had initially planned another 10-weeker after the one I wrapped up in October, but now since I'm getting married this summer I need to begin a 20-weeker in February in order to not be right out of pct with low test on my wedding night. So I'm looking at Equipoise, and from what I've heard...
  2. Qualityoflife86

    EQ / Equipoise / Boldenone brew question

    How does everyone get the EQ out of the package or bottle? Do you freeze it so it crystals? Turn the bottle upside down? Use a tool to scrape everything out? Cut top of bottle off?
  3. Anavarnarian

    Lab Results for first Homebrew

    Just got my bloods taken last week. I'm on week 10 of a 16 weeker: 500mg Test E & 666mg EQ 2x week with 75mg Test Prop EOD and 75mg Anavar ED. Got these results in today, first time making sense of bloods so if you guys can let me know if my gear doses seem to coincide with the levels that...