
  1. M

    Does expired Sildenafil still work?

    I found some Hilma Viagron 100mg tablets that I have forgotten about, but the expiation date says 02/2021. Can I still use them, or are they completely useless now?
  2. M

    How long can you keep BAC water for?

    I have like 20 unopened 30mL bottles of BAC water from various peptide orders (they just gave them for free). Some of them are set to expire over the next few months. From what I can tell, as with most things, the expiration is just an FDA mandate. However, is it possible the benzyl alcohol is...
  3. Night_Owl

    Do you guys stock up on gear in case of stricter laws?

    Or any other reason why it might be hard to get gear, like a war. Another question, did you guys also read this study? It says: "With a large and expensive stockpile of drugs, the military faced tossing out and replacing its drugs every few years. What they found from the study is 90% of more...