
  1. J

    Maybe I’ve ruined my HCG lot? - please help

    Started HCG mono therapy, 1500 x twice/week. I do IM, on my thighs (I did 1 SubQ as an experiment). I did 3 shots until now, but I don’t feel anything. I’m a bit anxious, since I’ve done the same protocol last year and I had great results. I just don’t remember how fast I saw improvements and...
  2. Scruf


    Members please advise as to what these results mean. The attached test result is for Omnitrope 5.8mg. The vial expired in 2018 and was recently tested by Janoshik.. The results posted say that the vial only contained 4.48mg rather than 5.8mg. Should this be a concern? The result says 96.6% pure...
  3. Scruf

    Expired Omnitrope

    Hey Guys, not sure why it says I am a new member. Been here since 1999. Anyway, I have a bunch of Omnitrope that expired in 2019. It is unconstituted and refrigerated. I emailed Janoshik to see if they will test it for me. Does anyone have any experience with HGH that is this old. If the...
  4. M

    Does expired Sildenafil still work?

    I found some Hilma Viagron 100mg tablets that I have forgotten about, but the expiation date says 02/2021. Can I still use them, or are they completely useless now?
  5. M

    How long can you keep BAC water for?

    I have like 20 unopened 30mL bottles of BAC water from various peptide orders (they just gave them for free). Some of them are set to expire over the next few months. From what I can tell, as with most things, the expiration is just an FDA mandate. However, is it possible the benzyl alcohol is...
  6. T

    Using expired Adex

    Anyone ever used expired Adex? I know this is a dumb question But I'm asking anyway. i got some pharma adex thats expired a year ago. Some of the guys i know say that they have used expired adex and it worked for them if they dosed a little higher. Anyone on Meso done this.