
  1. guyfawkes1010

    An updated guide to internet privacy and anonymity

    Welcome to my domain Internet privacy, anonymity, and you. Rule 1: There is no such thing as being fully anonymous. Privacy and anonymity are not the same thing. Rule 2: Know your threat level Rule 3: Dont drive yourself crazy Intro: My background is IT. I hobby in privacy and anonymity...
  2. A

    New Member/Old Gym Rat

    Hey Team, I'm 46 y/o, 6' 2" 275 pounds and live in the NYC area. Currently at 16% BF. Been lifting for many years. Using gear for last 5 years. Gear is expensive and I'm looking for a guide or checklist to home-brew my own stuff. Hopefully I came to the right place...
  3. boophomet

    Backloading Slin Pins: My Method

    Here's how I backload my insulin pins for the week. I know it's not 100% sterile in practice, but it's good enough that as long as you don't live in a garbage dump you'll be fine. If you wanted to be perfect, you could do this in front of a flow hood, however I've done it this way for over a...