half life

  1. M

    Is long esters more anabolic?

    Let’s take two scenarios with two identical twins that eat and train exactly the same. One twin inject 100mg test suspension every week, while the other twin inject 145mg test enanthate every week. So both twins inject 100mg of pure exogenous testosterone every week. They do this for a year...
  2. shaquille_oatmeal_777

    Is there any way to expedite the elimination half life of AAS?

    Hi all! I began a TRT protocol on January 23 (below). 10 days later, I'm experiencing skin and toe lesions that are aligning with tumors. I'm seeing my primary care doc tomorrow as well. Is there any method in expediting the elimination of these steroids from my body? Thank you in advance for...
  3. Morefyah

    Deltoid Injection Halflife (Test E, Mast E & EQ)

    As the summer months approach the topic of whether it's worth it to travel with gear on vacation or business travel for that matter always seems to come up. So many people literally get scared about crashing there Test on vacation or what have you and fear not being able to have access to more...