harm reduction

  1. Training till failure

    Is this safe to inject?

    So just orded some gear and one of my vials has like bits that are floating in it and I ain't sure why or if it's safe to inject?
  2. Training till failure

    HGH needle size help

    Hello all, Anyone know which one of these two would be best to use for hgh? Looking to run the lowest dosage of 3ius a day and over time increase when needed. Probably won't be going past 5 ius a day or potentially 10 ius a day at a push, but very unlikely. I want to make it as easy as possible...
  3. C

    Looking for guidance and education/harm reduction.

    Hi, new member here, and my name is CJ. I am looking to educate myself on the proper use of steroids. I want to get lean and cut, but I have no idea what to use and for how long. What do I need to take to counter any negative side effects, are oral tablets better than injectable steroids? I have...
  4. Y

    PIP Free Sources

    I'm increasingly beginning to believe that PIP isn't normal and should not be tolerated under any circumstances. Used to regularly get severe PIP from UGL test cyp and deca, often forming what appeared to be large, red, painful abscesses. Never had PIP once since switching to prescription for...
  5. R

    The harm reduction question...

    Still just crickets... See bold above. What's your answer Dear Reader? Are you here only to ensure your gear has the labeled AAS concentration (gainz bro), or are you really concerned with improving and advancing harm reduction with ugl AAS use? Or something in between? Incredible work by...
  6. R

    Considering a first cycle....all your confusion cleared up here.

    :) So you want to dabble with AAS for body dysmorphia or cosmetic reasons? Step 1. Understand the basic workings of hpt(g)a - hypothalamic pituitary testicular (aka gonadal) axis. Control theory. Where does testosterone exhibit negative feedback? H or P? How about estradiol? Step 2...
  7. J

    Nandrolone (deca/npp) - any evidence its more harmful than test?

    All the harmful reduction educators sound like an echo chamber when it comes to Nandrolone (probably except Derek who has touched on the same topic briefly). Everyone suggests it's more harmful (increased CVD and neuro toxicity) however I have been unable to find any quality studies proving...
  8. R

    Source QC and C of A (do you have one?)

    Some thoughts/suggestions for discussion after looking around here. Realistic, overkill, get what you pay for, don't care? Would like to hear members' thoughts, counterpoints, etc. especially on cost vs quality. The path to quality is known. Will people pay or too much for UGL customers...
  9. R

    Nandrolone no ester source

    Now here is a fun question (did not see it posed previously)... Nandrolone (no ester) USP / pharma purity anyone? CAS Common Chemistry CAS # 434-22-0 https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/US/en/search/nandrolone?focus=products&page=1&perpage=30&sort=relevance&term=nandrolone&type=product_name...
  10. R

    Tool to Assess your TT dose response --Percentile Curves

    Continuing the dose response thread over here. This would be a great place to crowdsource data. https://forums.t-nation.com/t/tool-to-assess-your-tt-dose-response-percentile-curves/277628 https://thinksteroids.com/community/threads/readalot-aka-tareload-introduction.134419973/post-3171563 I...
  11. BodyDysmorphia

    cutting cycles are idiotic unless you are competing

    Title basically sums it up; however, I will explain my reasoning behind this opinion. AAS excel in facilitating muscle accrual but do not possess the intrinsic capacity to facilitate fat loss. Subjecting yourself to elevated androgen levels solely for the purpose of fat reduction lacks logical...
  12. J

    Hello scholarly gentlepeople and fellow anabolinauts

    I am commited to harm reduction when it comes to the use of AAS, GLP-1 agonists, SARMs, SERMs, nootropics, life extension chemicals, and the like. I am here to learn and improve, and always open to feedback.
  13. D

    New member here

    Joined a week or so ago. Main goal for joining is education and safety as I embark on my health journey after turning 50. I just got on TRT by doctor's order after a notoriously low count. Lots of years of poor health and major stress. I've chosen to tackle all of this by diving into diet...
  14. H


    Good Evening I'm Andrew Just joined a week ago and finally getting around to posting in the forum here. I am an academic researcher into Image and Performance Enhancing Drugs (IPEDs) and work as a Senior Harm Reduction worker focusing on offering help and support to those that use IPEDs and...
  15. R

    Harm reduction

    Hi, I'm new in this world, I learned some about AAS and now I'm interested in harm reduction. What should I check on my bloodwork? What are the protocols to avoid as much as possible side effects? I hope some of you can help. Thanks <3.
  16. Test_Subject

    Low Doses for Low Mortality

    So the untimely death of John Meadows really got me thinking today. He wasn’t even 50 yet and he died. He did have pre-existing health problems but it made me reconsider some of the crazy shit that I’ve done, since I’m sure that the steroids didn’t help his health conditions any. With that in...
  17. D

    King’s College survey on Anabolic Steroids

    Researchers from King’s College London are conducting an online survey about strategies to treat and prevent the adverse effects of anabolic steroids. Participants must be 16 years old or more, living in the UK and have used anabolic steroids in the last 12 months. Those who complete this...
  18. MairUnderwood(Researcher)

    Understanding DNP practice

    Hey everyone. One of my students (Niroshan) and I are trying to understand the practice of DNP in bodybuilding. Can you please help by correcting or adding to the below? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Sorry it is so long but we want to understand properly. Feel free to only answer...