
  1. B

    Use of HCG

    Hey fellas. In advance I want to thank them. Today I have a question about HCG, are there posts here on the forum detailing its use and purpos? If there is and someone can leave it attached here for study, I would be gratef. It would also be interesting to talk about it here, for other...
  2. Khal_T

    CNraws, Private source for members only

    Hi guys, Just to search my threads and found most of them are the testing reports ones. So, just creat one to share you guys all the information here, which can be easily found and all the information from us, at this eve of our Great Friday. :-) Since it is the eve of Friday and a...
  3. H

    if hgh good start for bodybuilder???

    Rachel new here,glad to know guys here if hgh good start for bodbuilder?? rachel at hblftech.com
  4. C

    SRHealth -Tech Source

    Nice to see you guys in MESO, I am aron from SRHealth-tech, we used to be the guaranteed sponsor on some fourms like Professional Muscle, Out of Law, Brotherhood of Pain ect during 2016.8~2020.2. Due to the influence of COVID, we stopped sponsorship and just did business with our loyal clients...
  5. Bg954

    Want to have another baby

    The wife and i want to have another baby. Im 35 years old and I have been on 200mg of test cyp or test therapy (injections perscribed by dr) a week for about 8 months and going on a second bottle of Anavar( not perscribed by the dr). I know everyone is different as far as sperm count while on...
  6. guyzcool

    Hcg Protocol

    So I have read the comprehensive guide to pct, and it touches a little on hcg use. I've also been looking around elsewhere for a hcg protocol. Most people say 10 days after last injection (test e), start 500 iu for 10 days. The start the clomid/nolva combo all with the inclusion of exemensten...
  7. guyzcool

    reliablerxpharmacy how reliable is it?

    Hello, a new pct/ancillaries pharmacy had come to my attention. It looks they have a good amount of things and are out of India, I've seem some chatter on here about it, I was wondering if anyone has ordered from them and shipped into the US, I know the europharma on this site is said to be...