hcg on cycle

  1. Cereal masturbator

    Protecting fertility on cycle

    I’ve been looking into protecting my fertility while on cycle, I know there’s no 100% method but wondering what advice was out there for preserving fertility as much as possible while on cycle ? Will be running HCG while on my next cycle as I’ve found this interesting read that states A...
  2. NoRevolution

    Long Term HCG Induced Testicular LH Desensitization

    Hi there, Wanted to get some advice from those more knowledgeable in HPTA / testicular function. A quick background: Been cycling on and off for the last 5 years, with consistent HCG use of 300iu EOD to preserve fertility / prevent testicular atrophy. The reasoning behind this was two these two...
  3. GFitKing2

    How much HCG do you like to run on cycle?

    Hey Meso, I want tot discuss with you guys - what do you guys like to run your HCG dosage on cycle ? I usually do 500 I.U. however at that dosage every time I pin - 1 day later gyno flares are crazy. So I have lowered it to 125 iu every 3 days instead of 250 and its been controllable. Is that...