
  1. R

    Best heart rate to increase HDL

    Hey people, I know the "burning fat zone" is between 55%-70% of your MHR (ie 220-age). 1) How about to increase HDL? What's the optimal heart rate? 2) Is there a threshold when you don't get any more benefits or the higher HR the better? 3) Which will work better? Moderate cardio/ high...
  2. @ozymandias

    Looking for Aussie Blood test service $$$

    Looking for Australian blood test labs that offer help with TRT, if I can get my levels close enough i'm able to be prescribed through my doctor. Looking for any help or information. 30 YEAR OLD MALE 183CM 90KG. Only train constantly in winter during sporting seasons but looking to get serious...
  3. M

    Testo + Anavar + Proviron

    Hi to all, since recently it seems that my sex drive is lowered, I was thinking to add proviron to my current cycle. Currently, I'm taking: testo E 250 mg/week 30 mg of Oxandrolone in the morning I was planning to add 25 mg of proviron per day because my SHBG is still high and my Free...
  4. CooSee

    HDL and cardiovascular risk - not for the feint of science

    Hey folks, So most of us know that AAS can lower HDL, and we've been told low HDL is bad, especially if it's in a worse ratio than 1:5 to LDL. What no one I've found talks about, including any of the smart youtubers these days including the doctors who talk about AAS, is this question: If low...
  5. Roco Bama

    Abnormal lipid levels

    I recently did a lipid panel test. I didn’t take any AAS other than TRT for the last 4 months. This is the first time I checked my lipids since high school. last test which was taken back in 2008/2009 was off as well.