
  1. M

    Just had double carpal tunnel surgery...any pharmacology/physiology nerds that can help with my question?

    As title said. Just had CTS surgery in both hands. Open, not lathjroscopiic. Shit hurts real bad. My girlfriend will be doing BPC-157 shots for me 200mcg twice daiyly. Maybe @Type-IIx , @Dr JIM , or someone can help: I am trying to figure out: Is? the majority of post op pain from the...
  2. InjuredGorilla

    Ordered IGF1-LR3, lets see whats is all about

    Anyone had experience to share regarding this compound ? im planing to use it 50mcg twice daily into shoulders to heal heal and recover tendon problems. General stack im running ATM: 250mcg BPC-157 twice daily 500mcg TB-500 once daily 5iu HGH split into 3iu morning and 2iu before bed im...
  3. InjuredGorilla

    Did first PRP injection into shoulder / bicep

    Hey guys, so idk if anyone really remembers me, I’m not that active here but I’m suffering from shoulder problems ever since I could remember, and recently both my shoulders are acting up which got me side benched for a solid 3 months already. Currently using BPC+TB at 1mg per day, and 5iu of...
  4. M

    Will Deca Give Me Relief?

    I need some direction. I’m currently 47 years old, and after a trip to Asia in 2016 the tendons all over my body are becoming extremely week. I’m assuming some sort of hard to detect autoimmune disease. I basically get hurt very easily and then I never heal. No one can figure out what’s going...
  5. X

    HGH for chronic back pain/disk degeneration?

    Hello, I'm a 30yr old woman and have had some persistent problems with few of my discs/vertebrae, seems there has been some trauma to it due to sports or some injury, but I don't recall what in particular could have done that and no doctor has told me anything too useful besides having some...