
  1. Luka.Halotestin

    Helios (Yohimbine/Clen) recipe help?

    Hey guys, I've been struggling with some of my formulations with Yohimbine HCl because it won't fully dissolve even at 5 mg/ml. I've come across this photo and managed to get a "better" view of the side label. From what I see it contains: Benzyl benzoate Benzyl alcohol Polysorbate 80 Water...
  2. Zro5696

    Cut cycle help

    So I’m an intermediate to advanced gear user and I’m wondering about if I need to take any kind of AI at all I got just about every one you can think of. But my cycle so far looks like this Test E 500mg EW 2X 250mg Monday/Thursday Mast E 400mg EW 2X 200mg Monday/Thursday Anavar 50mg ED Weeks...