
  1. guyzcool

    Masteron Enthanate vs Masteron P

    I've never run master one before but ur seems like a very appealing drug for my next cycle. It seems that mast E is in limited supply and sometimes 80+$, but it is dosed at 250mg/mL where mast p is 100-150 mg/mL. I was looking into molecular weight of mast e, but only found it for mast p (304 46...
  2. J

    AI to bring down slightly high e2

    I have been tested slightly high e2 but my testosterone was fine and so did all the other hormones too. I am 21y old healthy male, i don't drink alcohol, smoke or do drugs. I have tried using olympian labs dim but it didn't do the job for me. My erections are short lived and quite weak. I do get...