help with cycle

  1. M

    Testosterone gone cloudy after filtering

    Hi guys, I hope I am posting this in the right spot. I am using some test prop from Deus Medical right now. Usually I take the test from 10 ampoules and put it through a syringe filter into a sterile vial to avoid glass shards and for convenience. This time the test went from clear in the...
  2. A

    18 -> 21 of 3 Years Natural Lifting, Prepped 20 Week Cycle.

    Hey y'all. I'm 21 years old with 3 years of solid natural lifting under my belt. I wanted to ask everyone about my full plan for my first cycle and how I plan to go about it. I've been doing a lot of research (past 3-4 weeks around 3+ hours a day reading). I'm 5'10 (178cm) @16% BF and 220lbs...
  3. T

    First Cycle, Just got 8 week bloods back, Need help deciphering

    I did not expect high e2 in the slightest tbh, I've been feeling great, stable, and lately just happier even about shitty things. Gym has been great, up 5 pounds in bodyweight but went from 325-->370 Squat (Double BW since I weigh 185 now) I look better too aside from some bacne, face is clear...
  4. S

    planning next blast need critique

    currently on self trt at 175mg a day i’m 6ft 210 13% bf im planning my next blast in a month after the holiday season was planning on deca @ 250 primo @250 test @400 for 8-12 weeks and dbol @ 20ed added in the last 4 weeks. wanting to put on size and hoping to compete in mens physique sometime...
  5. L

    Wellness prep cycle

    I am currently looking into a show 7 months from now. I am thinking of running the following cycle First cycle 10 weeks 25mg primo every 7 days Take 4 weeks off Second cycle 10 weeks 25mg primo every 7 days 2.5mg anavar in the AM with fasted cardio and and another 2.5mg before workout...
  6. A

    Test e+diol+deca cycle beginner need help!!

    Age:34 Weight: 145 Height: 5 feet 6 inches Shoe size 8 1/2 Body fat: I'm guessing 7% I digest food pretty damn fast This is my first cycle I also have everything I need for my 1st cycle I've clomid+arimidex+nolvadex do I need Petro? I need a cycle plan I've no idea what too start with. I dunno...