help with home brew

  1. S

    High concentration recipe

    Anyone got a good recipe for making more concentrated test C from raw? Everything I find is like 250 and I don’t feel like injecting 3 mls every time I inject.
  2. A

    First time homebrewing help.

    Recently bought raws from Hupharma, communication was good, so hoping to get my package any day now. I ordered: EQ, Test E, Aromasin, Dbol, Nolvadex and Proviron. Also bought: 5 0.22 whatman syringe filters 25 empty sterile glass vials Grape seed oil Benzyl benzoate Benzyl alcohol 5000...
  3. BigSky

    Is it really that easy?

    So iv been doing a lot of research on this topic because I figure at one point it will be better to brew my own because I'll know exactly what it is and it will not be under doses or bunk, unless I get schemed on the raws. But is it really as easy as I think it is Mix BA and raws, and BB if...