
  1. C

    Lab result on 2.7 iu genotropin

    hello, those are my result on 2.7 iu hgh ED. I'm a bit suspicious for my low hgh serium, what you think about? I'm using genotropin
  2. Khal_T

    CNraws, Private source for members only

    Hi guys, Just to search my threads and found most of them are the testing reports ones. So, just creat one to share you guys all the information here, which can be easily found and all the information from us, at this eve of our Great Friday. :-) Since it is the eve of Friday and a...
  3. B

    Hgh timing also when to test

    From your personal experience what is best time to take gh .. for maximum benefit Morning.. 8 ? Evening after gym ? Or before bed. Also when to test igf1 levels ?
  4. H

    if hgh good start for bodybuilder???

    Rachel new here,glad to know guys here if hgh good start for bodbuilder?? rachel at hblftech.com
  5. H

    what peptides and steroids u use for bodybuilding --for new guys

    what peptides and steroids u use for bodybuilding --for new guys Rachel
  6. I


    What do you think about this results??
  7. AASraw.com

    AASraw.com HGH analysis by Janoshik--June 1st, 2019

  8. guyzcool

    HGH for healing

    I've done a little bit of reading on this, and I know HGH is a huge controversy out there in the real world, but with a pro foot ball player taking HGH for a neck injury it peaked my curiosity. What's your guys opinions on this?? For me, it would be used in my shoulder. I was diagnosed with MDI...