hgh beginner

  1. HumanGrowth

    Humatrope or REAL pharma HGH?

    Does anyone have a good supplier to steer me towards? I’m going to give the real stuff a try after a few months using generic.
  2. Gabor006

    HGH dosing time

    My question would be what is the actually best time with some evidence behind it to inject hgh. I have read many do it before sleep, some in the morning or even after workout. What timing was your best experience. I want to use 4iu a day.
  3. Genoman27

    Pharmacy hgh demand

    What’s up guys, been a while since I’ve been on here. Doing a pole for myself to see what the general consensus is these days. Is there still a high demand or high want for actual pharmacy hgh? Or do a majority of people not care anymore they believe that Chinese or lab gh is similar to pharmacy...
  4. Trainedbytylerlofthouse19

    First proper HGH run

    1st picture was 14th June the morning of my knee surgery, I was sitting roughly 92-93kg. Since November 2022 I have been using between 250mg-500mg Test per week. Eating badly and not training. Dropped from 108kg(lots of gear) I started at 2iu MTWFS(Mon, Tues, wed, Fri, sat) on the 19th June...
  5. H

    New here: distance runner/endurance athlete

    Hey everyone! Im new here and looking for some guidance into the world of PEDS. When I was younger and uneducated I used EQ and anavar in attempt to get faster. Anavar gave me the worst calf pain and shin splints of my life and made me put on mass. Regardless to say, I did not do very well. I am...
  6. D

    Newbie- in need of help

    Hi, I’m Desi, I’m completely new to this world. I went down a rabbit hole after watching a documentary series called Trafficked. I read several threads here and found a recommended supplier for hgh and tirzepatide. I am familiar with reconstituting products since I give Botox injections. The...
  7. H

    Injecting HGH

    I just received my first pack of 120 iu HGH. I’m going to start with 2iu’s/day. Is it as simple as adding 1.2mL of BAC water then drawing up to the .2 mark using a 1cc syringe?
  8. B

    Hey fellas

    I’m a 5’9, 19 year old college wrestler, weightlifter, and BJJ practitioner. Looking to kick ass as effectively and as efficiently as possible.
  9. Shadow Project

    Timing of hGH with early AM workout

    My plan is to start with hGH for the first time soon, I got the OK email from TP so I guess my Mauve tops will arrive shortly. With the reading I have done so far it seems good practice to pin it straight away in the morning and then remain fasted for another couple of hours. The issue is I...
  10. I

    Bubbles when constituting HGH - too much force

    First time mixing HGH today and I think I did it wrong. I have a vial of 15iu so I used 1.5ml bac water so every 0.1ml would be 1iu. I then used one of my .5 insulin needles since I had no normal ones to get the water and inject it to the side of the vial. Way too much force, it spurted quickly...
  11. I

    Starting first HGH cycle tomorrow - some questions

    I am currently on TRT test and Trestolone and have managed to get some TP blacktops 255iu. Batch 91. I have done research but still have a couple questions since I would like to hear people’s anecdotes and opinions. so is it better to pin it at night or during the morning or any time? I don’t...
  12. I

    first HGH cycle starts tomorrow

    I am currently on TRT test and Trestolone E and have managed to get some TP blacktops 255iu. I have done research but still have a couple questions since I would like to hear people’s anecdotes and opinions. so is it better to pin it at night or during the morning or any time? I don’t want to...
  13. R

    Reading Material on HGH w/ Slin Use (mainly Slin)

    I'm in the stages of planning to add HGH and Slin into my routine. I will have a couple months before I can, so I'm reading as much as possible. I've already got the HGH part down, pretty simple. However, Insulin is somewhat daunting. I'm not "afraid", just cautious. I'd like to know where I can...
  14. X

    Reactions mean real or fake.

    I’ve been using Jintropin HGH for over three weeks. No noticeable results and most likely they may not. However, I’ve read that there be some sort of dimpling at the injection site. I’ve injected 2 iu 2x a day and then went to 3iu 1x a day and lastly 4iu once a day all in an effort to see the...