hgh genotropin cycle peptides human growth hormone

  1. L


    Ciao a tutti. Non so se questo è il sexi9ne giusto e nel caso mi scuso, ma ho comprato un po' di Driada hgh e ad ogni iniezione ho una reazione immunitaria Ora mi ritrovo con 5 pacchi da 100 ui e devo venderli. Se qualcuno è interessato mi contatti
  2. Shadow Project

    Timing of hGH with early AM workout

    My plan is to start with hGH for the first time soon, I got the OK email from TP so I guess my Mauve tops will arrive shortly. With the reading I have done so far it seems good practice to pin it straight away in the morning and then remain fasted for another couple of hours. The issue is I...
  3. inobs22

    HGH stuff

    I have access all hgh pharma and ugl but which one is good quality price. Inobs.
  4. Yehya

    Norditropin pharma grade cycle, dosage advice needed!

    guys, couple of newbie questions on HGH, I just got my 40 pins Norditropin Nordilit 5mg/1.5 ml, from the pharmacy, so I know they are the right ones. States: 34 years old, 182cm, 100kg, around 15%bf My goal is build more lean muscle as I reached my limits, I am patient and I know this can take...
  5. Jonlb21

    Pharma Grade HGH Source

    Hey Guys, I was hoping for some help with finding a legit source for Pharma Grade HGH. I just had surgery on my shoulder about a month and a half ago and the recovery hasn’t been going well. I was hoping to pick up 3or 4 36iu Genotropin pens. Taking 2 ius 5 days a week to help heal. I did...
  6. Apotheosis

    16iu ED Genotropin thoughts?

    Planning to do a cycle of 16iu geno ED for a year never used hgh before should I start at 16ius or slowly work my way up ? What kind of sides should I expect? STats: 5'9 239 lbs 15% bf