hgh testing

  1. A

    Interesting Janoshik Interview

    My apologies if this is not the appropriate forum for this post, but I thought I'd share this interesting interview with Janoshik that was released today on the Daniel Pekic YouTube channel. View: https://youtu.be/a2gTvWsURZg?si=4kZGkC1sXLf5rlwu
  2. RapidRoy

    hgh testing advice

    Hello all, Was hoping I could pick some brains. Basically, how can I tell my hgh is working? I asked my doctor for a GH serum and IGF-1 test. Usually they are pretty good are getting me what I need (besides hgh) which is nice. Now, I've been taking 2 IUs, but I'm on my second day off...