high blood pressure

  1. S

    High BP?

    Hi folks, I am wondering if anybody has experienced high BP from adding GH to their protocol? I am taking 200mg/test per week. Added 50mg anavar. No issues there. Started with 2iu of GH a day on top and within a day or 2 started experiencing high BP around 150/80. No history of high BP...
  2. Youngblood

    telmisartan brands?

    Has anyone used Telmaheal? I have only used the boehringer ingelheim brand but it is oos recently. The telmaheal brand looks sketchy but its all I am finding now.
  3. JuicyJ

    ARBs or ACE Inhibitors for HBP?

    After 18 years of PED use I've dialed in the maintenance and regulation of my important biomarkers to ensure I'm not going to drop prematurely from heart disease and/or the many related cardiac conditions that are killing bodybuilders these days. I work as a coach and have over 20 years of...
  4. P

    Head pressure problem that never goes away

    Symptom: A 24/7 constant pressure in the head feeling (akin to if you were hanging upside down), not as bad as a headache, but still bad. When I lay down in sleeping position, the pressure feeling is halved. Cause: I'm 30. I was on TRT for almost year and half, starting Aug 2018. A few months...
  5. AlphaLife

    Controlling Acute Hypertension from Exogenous Hormones

    I am 31, 5'10, and 190 lbs at about 10% BF. I have run 6 cycles in the past. I have never noticed any symptoms of HTN before my most recent (currently ending) cycle: test e (150mg e3d), tren e (200 mg e3d), mast for 4 weeks (300mg e3d), ending with test ph (100mg ED), tren a (150mg EoD), and...