
  1. aljowa

    Personal Experiences with Metformin Use and its Training Adaptation Effects

    I understand that one of Metformin's mechanisms of action is the activation of AMPK and thus inhibition of mTOR, which theoretically could attenuate muscular adaptations to resistance training (i.e. blunting muscle hypertrophy). I also understand that Metformin has a potentially suppressive...
  2. Type-IIx

    Metformin: Risk/Reward Profile (Tradeoff Considerations; Balancing of Factors; Cost-Benefit Analysis) [Author: Type-IIx]

    Metformin: Risk vs. Reward Profile Author: Type-IIx Here are the basic contours of risks versus rewards for the practical use of Metformin, a biguanide, for bodybuilding, that I will build out with more depth and breadth if readers want to delve deeper: Metformin: anti-hyperglycemic and an...
  3. Z

    Differences between IGF-1 LR3 and IGF-1 DES (mention to PEG-MGF)

    Hi everyone. Since I started in the world of enhancing compounds, something that has always caught my attention above the rest are peptides, especially those that promote the increase of growth hormone and its derivatives. To a greater or lesser extent I have learned a lot about these...
  4. jimheath

    John Meadows programs?

    I am about to run my first cycle and would like to run a program mainly focused on hypertrophy. I've been looking at john meadows gamma bomb and creeping death two. I am not super concerned with being shredded, I just want to pack on as much quality size as possible. Any recommendations on which...
  5. FlatlandLifter

    BFR, your thoughts on occlusion training.

    Like the title says, I’m interested in hearing your guys’ thoughts on blood flow restriction training or occlusion training. I’ve been thinking about trying it based on the benefits/claims to muscle growth.
  6. bigrobbie

    Very interesting read (link to article)

    I was doing some standard Google research/browsing and I stumbled on this: The Use of Anabolic Agents in Catabolic States I think this was published back in 2007 so it's a bit older but I found it extremely interesting. Hope you guys enjoy.