igf-1 results

  1. R

    Looking for thoughts on Low IGF-1 results

    I got a blood test and I am curious to see if anyone here could help interpret some of the results or if I should just go to my PCP... I am mid 40's male started taking Tirzepatide 13 months ago and have so far lost 125lbs, current weight of 185lbs, although I lost only 20 of those in the last...
  2. Roco Bama

    IGF-1 blood results: Godtropin

    I've been on HGH (blacktops and godtropin) since September of last year. 5iu of blacktops gave me an IGF score of 409. By contrast, 6iu of godtropin gave me an IGF score of 400. So 6iu of godtropin is equivalent to about 5iu of blacktops. Not bad at all. This batch is from the kits I bought...