
  1. T

    New member

    Hello, I’m a competitive bodybuilder based out of US. Nice to meet you all. Would love to learn and share knowledge amongst the people in these forums. Currently running 800 mg test 600 mg eq 50 mg anavar ED Aromasin 12.5mg EOD Currently in prep for a show
  2. D

    Help me with my account someone please and thanks in advance

    Hey guys I've had an account on here for a year now and have gotten my gear from sources I've found here from Hutechlabs and Pharmacon and find the better quality in Hutech but prices are high at times. My biggest issue here is I can't post or comment on any of threads on Forum or Steroid...
  3. P

    PCT is over, so one wonders, what's next?

    This has been lingering inside my mind lately. Let's say someone recently finished their cycle of Test + Primo or any other compound, they do their pct or hcg, what's next? Is there a waiting period before you can do another cycle? Do people do it right after the pct? All these questions really...