
  1. santijanusz

    Injectable vitamins/aminoacids/anti-inflammatory/anti-oxidant source?

    Hi, I was looking to buy some injectable vitamins, minerals and aminoacids (like B, C, calcium...), anti-inflammtory and anti-oxidant (like glutathione, acetylcysteine...). Obviously it's not even close to how good are the "real" injectables, but it's great for speeding the recovery process...
  2. A

    Injectable vitamin B12 experiences

    We all know vitamin B12 declines with age, and that the bioavailability of oral is horrible. So I recently got my hands on some injectable vitamin B12 dosed at 1000mcg/ml just to try it out. My blood work shows I'm in the mid-range at 450 (reference range 200-700), but I would like to have my...
  3. T

    How good is yk11 injectable and what can it be compared to?

    Anyone have experience with injectable yk11? Can it be compared to inj winstrol? Or what could it be compared to? I hear it’s the shit.
  4. Luka.Halotestin

    Helios (Yohimbine/Clen) recipe help?

    Hey guys, I've been struggling with some of my formulations with Yohimbine HCl because it won't fully dissolve even at 5 mg/ml. I've come across this photo and managed to get a "better" view of the side label. From what I see it contains: Benzyl benzoate Benzyl alcohol Polysorbate 80 Water...
  5. J

    Strategies for minimizing Post injection Pain (PIP)

    hello, please share your strategies for minimizing pip when using compounds such as testosterone enanthate or testosterone cypionate. What works best and what does not work so well? How do you deal with Virgin muscle?
  6. Luka.Halotestin

    Injectable Glutathione Recipe

    I really struggled to get it right and I wanna save people looking for the recipe some time so they don't have to go through all posts. This is the recipe for 30 ml at 200 mg/ml: 1) Weigh out 6 grams of Reduced Glutathione powder and pour it in your mixing beaker. 2) Add around 20 ml of...
  7. C

    Hot plate w mag stirrer or heating mantle w stirrer ?

    Hello, I've already brewed a few times without stirrer or any heating apparatus. Right now, I'm considering to invest in some equipment as I'll be brewing for myself and a bunch of friends. After searching for sometimes I've found two ways: #1: Hot Plate w Magnetic stirrer #2: Round bottom...
  8. PowerfulMuscles


    Dear MesoRx members, My name is Ethan, and I represent a new online store PowerfulMuscles. You can find our store at: We offer wide range of premium quality products, and the list of our products will be updated! You can order our products directly at our website. Why...
  9. U

    Ways to identify oil in injectable

    How can I identify what oil (castor, cotton seed, peanut, etc) is used in an existing injectable T medication?
  10. MisterSuperGod

    Injectable Var?

    Just curious, really. Never seen anyone talk about it. Is it just not do able or what?
  11. jaymaximus

    Test Boosters vs PH/DS vs SARMS vs AAS

    Hello Meso, My name is @jaymaximus. You may know me as JayMax and remember me from such places as ZerotoHeroes moms bed. Ive seen a few posts / arguments lately about PHs, SARMS, etc. As a member who's tried almost everything I figured I would chime in with my experiences. First off, I have...