injectable glutathione

  1. santijanusz

    Injectable vitamins/aminoacids/anti-inflammatory/anti-oxidant source?

    Hi, I was looking to buy some injectable vitamins, minerals and aminoacids (like B, C, calcium...), anti-inflammtory and anti-oxidant (like glutathione, acetylcysteine...). Obviously it's not even close to how good are the "real" injectables, but it's great for speeding the recovery process...
  2. NZb6Air

    What is the dosage of injection glutathione for skin lightening?

    I can't find anything besides bros talking about 5mg per kg of bodyweight per week for its antioxidant effects, what about for skin lightening specifically? And should you pair it with Inj Vitamin C and if so how much/dosages? Any experiences? QSC is selling 200mg per vial at 60 dollars for...
  3. T

    Intramuscular Glutathione Homebrew

    I've been on the NAC train for a while and decided to homebrew glutathione for intramuscular injection. I couldn't quickly find the saturation point so I opted to start at what I thought was beyond it and titrated distilled water until I found it. I started 300mg/mL with the understanding I...
  4. InjuredGorilla

    Injectable Glutathione source ?

    Well as the title says, im looking for Injectable Glutathione, i found a source for the Raw at PureBulkInc but idk if i can just mix it with Bac water and SubQ it. Anyone can help out with a Canadian source for Injectable Glutathione? i mean i know there is clinics here where i can go get an IV...