injection site

  1. K

    Swelling and redness after injections

    Hey guys, I've been using Deus Medical's Testomed E for 8 weeks now. The gains have been amazing, no complaining about that, the stuff definitely works. However, pinning my glutes make my glutes swell A LOT. Injecting to delts make my delts hurt like crazy, to the point that it's impossible to...
  2. T

    GHRP-6 Injection with insulin syringe - Injection sites, IM possible?

    Hey guys, i decided to get GHRP-6 because of the appetite boost. I am on a bulking cycle right now and aiming for 3600kcal but barely manage to eat 2500 because of isotretinoin sides. I know that it's best to inject 3 times daily. I read that you get puffy red spots where you injected that...
  3. Jamie Sutherland

    How to: Not tear my glutes to shreds (Self glute injections)

    Hey people, Was just wondering if anyone had any good advice for self glute injections. I'm completely new to the whole AAS world. I've just started my first ever cycle (test cyp only 500mg/wk). I've only pinned once so far which was in my right glute. I plan to alternate between each glute...
  4. I

    Multiple injection sites

    Hi guys, I'm currently doing Test P EOD and I'm looking to alternate injection sites. Up until now, I've been alternating glutes, but am looking to incorporate my delts as well. What are your suggestions? So far, I've done 1 pin in the delt and it was very painful today so I'm trying to...