injury recovery

  1. Big Gucci Sosa

    The effect of Oxandrolone on injury healing

    As I assume many of you know the positive effect anavar has on healing skin in burn victims, at a therapeutic dose of 20mg a day. This has been proven in multiple human studies conducted over the years. There was also a rat study conducted where they looked at the wound healing effect anavar has...
  2. InjuredGorilla

    Injury recovery compounds thread !

    Lets discuss the cream de la cream of injury recovery and prevention compounds ! In my past experience : 1. BPC-157 - Great for inflammation or tendonitis 2. TB-500 - didn't notice much tbh 3. Anavar - made my joints feel awesome and more resilient. 4. Ostarine - Helped me with some bicep...
  3. InjuredGorilla

    Ton of BPC or Generic HGH ?

    Hey guys, hope everyone is doing well !. So ill keep it short, i have shoulder tendonitis (more so bicep but the tendons sits on the shoulder join) Im doing PT, shockwave, acupuncture with minimal effect. took two weeks off the gym and now doing very light work for two weeks already and still...
  4. Hadron

    First cycle for injury?

    So I’m fresh off of TRT because the clinic I went to doubled their rates. It was flat out too expensive so I’ll be doing it myself for 1/4 or less the cost. Pretty sure they water down their stuff anyway. I’m looking to add something to it for a bit to help with a back injury. It isn’t skeletal...
  5. P

    Question about injection site for BPC-157 & TB-500

    So I've had these nagging injuries that come and go for years now. Typical stuff like lower back pain, neck pain, etc. Most recently I've injured my foot. I don't exactly know how it happened but it's been bad enough that I can't really train my quads very well for the last 2 weeks. I can do leg...
  6. C

    Rapid Revocery - Need Help!

    Hi guys, just very briefly - I have inflamed patellar tendons on my both knees and an impinged shoulder. As you can imagine, it's extremely frustrating, because I can't properly train upper body nor my lower body. My main problem that's preventing me from moving forward are the knees. I am...
  7. George Twain

    First Cycle: Test-E: 400mg/HgH: 4Iu. Seeking Advice or Concerns.

    Hi all, I am looking at doing my first cycle. First, a brief background and reasons for using PED. I am an ex-athlete and have been dealing with nagging injuries for the better part of 4 years, while also struggling to stay in shape as the injuries are quite demotivating (I sprained my ankle...
  8. RandallNowan

    BPC-157 and physically large injury

    Chaps. I displaced rib and it's fucked all the connective tissue up something awful. I clunk when I breathe now and I can't lift for shit without pain. Time is a great healer... But so is bpc-157 by all accounts. The injured area is from my sternum, all the way round the rib to my spine...