
  1. A

    Just started pharma GH and suddenly worse sleep quality

    I recently bought some pfizer genotropin growth hormone pens from a reputable turkish source on here and running it through the ITS app everything is legit as well as the strong smell of hospital/band aid on the pen. I have been injecting 0.7mg which is around 2.1 iu per day an hour before...
  2. T

    Hgh sleep issues

    Ahoj všichni. Many z vás jsou velmi erudovaní. Proto doufám, že mi můžete pomoci. Když připnu hgh (1iu stačí) ztratit zcela možnost usnout. A malý bzukot v mé hlavě. Víte kde je problém? Jsem s tímto problémem sám. Dělá mi to hyge, opti, evogen a humatrop. Děkuji vám za radu
  3. Bradybomb

    Does t3 at night affect your sleep?

    I’ve heard that taking t3 at night could affect your sleep as thyroid hormone is stimulating in certain environments, however I am not sure if night time environment would apply. Whenever I take more than 25mcg of t3 I split the dosage and I have never noticed a change in sleep. Have any of you?
  4. B

    Tren + MK677 - going hypo?

    Greetings fellow bodybuilders, First post on here but I've been following this forum for a long time and learned a lot from you guys. So, I'm set on throwing in 25 mg of MK-677 per night with my stack of weekly 200 mg Tren E, 600 mg Test E and 400 mg Mast E (plus 50 mg Anavar ED). I'm doing...
  5. Meathead

    Using alcohol to help with Tren insomnia is it hurting my gains.

    I'm currently running a Test E and Tren E cycle. Running 1 gram test and 400mg tren weekly. Having a hell of a time getting to sleep with 5 to 6 hrs of sleep a night if I'm lucky. I've found that if I take a couple of shots of alcohol an hour before bedtime it really helps my sleep cycle and...
  6. L

    Insomnia from A.I.

    Anyone get insomnia from anastrozole even at really low dose?