
  1. J


    Hello, my name is JC I have been following this site for a couple of years now and has helped me a lot. I’ve been on TRT now for a couple years and I really enjoy it. I would like to learn more about safety and things to help with side effects. Just overall doing things safely and effectively.
  2. J

    Hello scholarly gentlepeople and fellow anabolinauts

    I am commited to harm reduction when it comes to the use of AAS, GLP-1 agonists, SARMs, SERMs, nootropics, life extension chemicals, and the like. I am here to learn and improve, and always open to feedback.
  3. icysunny

    New Meso Member ! French fella

    Long time reader here! Watched many threads, and learned a lot throughout others boards, forums, reddit.. I have been training consistently for the last 5 years, (push/pull/legs 2x week) Originally planned to start my first cycle years ago but decided to wait and focus on my career. Former...
  4. N

    Presentation introduction

    Hello all, Here's some info about me: - 26y/o - 187cm - 70kg After 3 years of training without gaining muscle, I am interesed in culturism, anabolic steroids and SARMs. My goal is to achieve 100kg and gain muscle.
  5. DarkSupGear

    Old me New forum

    Hi, i’ve been around a few forums in my past and have racked up a big thread that reviewed products people were curious about. I plan to do that here as well but way more mild. There is a lot of fake/bunk everything out there and to be honest the only way to know is the proper compound testing...