
  1. Liska

    HGH degradation testing

    For reconstituted HCG degradation testing, see: https://thinksteroids.com/community/threads/hcg-degradation-testing-after-30-45-60-days.134411144/#post-2996179 My initial HGH test was conducted by Janoshik on the 20th of January; with the five tested vials showing an insignificant variance...
  2. Liska

    Tesofensine by Qingdao Sigma Chemical

    Tesofensine is priced at $60/10g, $220/50g and $330/100g by @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals, which is suspiciously far below the quote of roughly $200/g I received from my own sources, who just laughed at their pricing saying I should test it because it'll be 100% fake. Noticing the questions about...