
  1. D

    So the fun begins!

    Hello, I am a 180cm tall 85kg 24-year-old guy. I have been lifting weights for about 8 years now so you can imagine I struggle a bit with any progress. Anyway before I jump into the PED train I would like to extend my knowledge. Could you give me some tips for threads? Looking forward to...
  2. C

    Share your knowledge..

    So searching a new source closer to home, home being the UK. So I found a source but bare minimal reviews, now I know most the guys/girls here are USA or further a field but I'm seeking your knowledge/opinions. The source is apparently an Official reseller of Triumph labs. Site:
  3. Izk

    eBook Dump!!

    Wasn't sure which section I should post it in seeing as it has info on every subject Enjoy the hundreds of dollars worth of free books!! Biomechanics Update your browser to use Google Drive - Google Drive Help Science Update your browser to use Google Drive - Google Drive Help Bodybuilding...
  4. musclehead320

    Ebooks killing it if anyone hasant read I suggest you do so