
  1. FutureMrO

    Having problems doing Squats

    hey guys so Iv been having problems doing back squats. But Iv been going front squats fine. When I put some weight on the back I feel like I'm going to fall forward or my left leg caves in. I use to do them all the time idk what's happened. But my fronts have blown up I'm up to 150kg for 6. Yet...
  2. TuTriX31

    Test prop supplementing cycle

    This is probably a ridiculous question but wanted some clarification. Current cycle 500mg Test E - 2x 250mg Monday/Thursday Would adding 100mg of test p on my leg day (Wednesday) help give my leg gains an edge and promote growth? Or would I be wasting gear?
  3. Driven23

    Leg advice!! Need to get stamina built quickly

    Does anyone have a good leg routine or something intermediate that can build up the strength in my legs quickly! Fist leg day back and have finally realized that I may hae personally lost a lot more than I thought! I work a rigorous day as thought it would keep my legs somewhat strong! But I'm...