
  1. H

    Anyone raised Bone Density with Steroids/HGH/SARMs?

    Has anyone here (preferably over the age of 30) raised their bone mineral density (BMD) with steroids and/or other compounds? I'm looking for people that have DEXA scans showing an increase in bone density before and after steroid use. There is some (often limited) evidence that the following...
  2. MrBeans

    Should I feel like sh*t?

    Hi everyone, I have just finished my first cycle last week (Which was LGD for 8 weeks, (10mg for first 5 days, then 5 for a week, then 7,5 for a week, and then 10mg the rest of the way) Below is an image of my blood test I got about 6 weeks into the cycle, and as you can see my testosterone was...
  3. gacela

    criticize my cycle

    Hello everyone, I come to post my cycle for summer and that all you can criticize or give advice on how you would do it. First of all, it is a simple cycle to do in summer for not long, it is not my first cycle, and the other cycles I have done have been more powerful. My main goal is to lose a...
  4. O

    Advice Needed: Complete shutdown from SARMs

    Hi all, been lurking here for a bit but now I need to ask some advice. I'm a 30 year old male, I've been running various SARMs off and on for 3 cycles total now, first was S4 only, 8 years ago, then at the beginning of this year I took RAD, LGD, and Ostarine in high doses all together (I know...