
  1. MrBeans

    Should I feel like sh*t?

    Hi everyone, I have just finished my first cycle last week (Which was LGD for 8 weeks, (10mg for first 5 days, then 5 for a week, then 7,5 for a week, and then 10mg the rest of the way) Below is an image of my blood test I got about 6 weeks into the cycle, and as you can see my testosterone was...
  2. O

    Advice Needed: Complete shutdown from SARMs

    Hi all, been lurking here for a bit but now I need to ask some advice. I'm a 30 year old male, I've been running various SARMs off and on for 3 cycles total now, first was S4 only, 8 years ago, then at the beginning of this year I took RAD, LGD, and Ostarine in high doses all together (I know...
  3. Roco Bama

    Any of you ladies tried sarms

    I heard they can be quiet anabolic for women with no virilization effect. lgd, rad-141 and ostarine seem to have good anabolic effect on paper. Any of you ladies have experience with any of the sarms above ?
  4. AKNYC1

    Redoing pct after sarms suppression

    Around December 1st I started to use sarms lgd 4033 for 30 days and felt very suppressed. I stopped using it and started using chlomid and nolva pct for around 3 weeks or so 50 50 25 chlomid 40 40 20 nolva I felt like I got back to normal. But then 10 days after i stopped using it I started to...