lipid profile

  1. C

    Mid Cycle - Lab report - Test 250mg/Deca 50mg/T3/HCG

    Hi all, I am on a cutting cycle from last 6 weeks. I am on Test E 250mg per week, Deca 50mg(Just for joint relief) per week, hcg 250IU twice a week. T3 25mcg(for 3 days); 50mcg(19 days); 75mcg (17 days) and now on 100mcg. I am 35 weighing about 194 and below are my blood work. My lipids are...
  2. L

    Need help interpreting blood tests

    Ok, so I started TRT about a year ago 200mg pw test c split in two injections, after a month or two on it I added arimidex cause E2 was too high, then noticed I crushed E2 and reduced dosage to 0.25mg twice weekly, then E2 still crashed and reduced to to 0.25mg once weekly and still kinda...
  3. Roco Bama

    Abnormal lipid levels

    I recently did a lipid panel test. I didn’t take any AAS other than TRT for the last 4 months. This is the first time I checked my lipids since high school. last test which was taken back in 2008/2009 was off as well.