low e2

  1. J

    Low E2 levels mid cycle

    Just got my blood work back mid cycle and my E2 levels had dropped quite a bit. Here some info about me and then cycle: Age:28 Weight:208 Cycle: 250mgs test e x 2x per week (Monday, Friday) Currently on week 5 and have some slight sides including: testicular atrophy, loss of libido, itchy...
  2. Nutpuncher

    2 questions about Low e2 and Short ester PIP

    2 questions... (1) will I do any harm when lifting while my e2 is so low that I can hear my knees when squatting. I'd rather take couple days off then to continue lifting and cause unnecessary wear and tear on my joints. (2). Short esters such as test prop causes more PIP than longer esters...