low free testestosterone

  1. J

    High SHBG, low free T (or what else could be the culprit?)- need advice and help, please

    Hi all. Context: - 43 male from Europe (44 this mounth), with life long depression, anxiety (started in a period of intense stress), lack of energy, no motivation, low to no libido, ED, premature ejaculation, brain fog, poor concentration and memory; - i didn't checked hormones, because every...
  2. C

    First post. High total t high SHBG low free t

    Hey guys anyone with any info on this issue? I'm 23. Weigh 63kg 5'10 have had low t symptoms for some time got test results last month my total t was 600ng/dl SHBG 53NMOL/L Free t was 8ng/dl wondering if this high SHBG is genetic or what it's caused by I'm a chef I eat well and alot but don't...