mast e

  1. VAGeo87

    Off-Season Plan - Mast E vs Deca?

    Hey All, -Very curious about the possible idea of Mast E instead of Deca. If anyone could share their experiences running Mast E, that would be great. How you felt, what results were seen? -Been running on just low does Cyp for some time now, ready to up the dose some and add in a second...
  2. TheScholarOfBrew

    Hows Experience with Mast?

    First time trying it. My close friend had a couple and let me have a few. I've only ever touched test and tren... Not even a few days on this stuff and I feel different. My brain feels really clear headed. I understand this is a synthetic dht and is very powerful but I didn't know it could...
  3. Dang-1

    Mast e & test e add NPP?

    Hello all, I’m looking at some feedback on my cycle add ons. Currently I’m on the following regiment: Test e 100mg EOD. 300week mast E 125mg EOD. 375 week HCG 250-500iu EOD 1000iu week Aromasin 12.5mg weekly as needed Armidex just have on hand GH 3iu daily And a ton of supplements I won’t...
  4. J

    QSC Test E and Mast E Coloured Lids

    I received my domestic Aus order from QSC for Test E and Mast E. One Kit is capped with light blue tops and the other kit in dark blue tops. (attached photo) I emailed the rep on how to distinguish between the two and he replied "QDSIGMADE6 = mast e QDSIGMAT1 = test e". However, I had already...
  5. I

    Libido super low. test/mast

    Hi guys I need some advice here. I am currently on 500mg test sust a week injected eod and 3 weeks ago added masteron E at 300 a week hoping that it would help control my estrogen levels a little. My “estrogens, total” value was 130. Test level and free test was capped but it was greater than...
  6. Roco Bama

    Is 1.5% BA enough ?

    im about to brew some mast e with mct oil, 18% BB 1.5 % BA 250mg/ml. are there any pip associated with mast e.
  7. W

    Test E/Mast E/Adex Low Energy, Dizzy

    Hey guys, 31, 5’ 9”, 195lbs, 9% bf, second cycle here. I am currently running 500mg Test E/week 400mg Mast E/week .25mg arimidex EOD 2iu HGH/Day Im in week 4 and currently feeling very low energy, dizzy, nauseous, and anxious. I was initially taking more Adex, but I crashed my E2 because of...
  8. NewBut-TrueDedicaion

    Low energy - Cutting cycle

    Hey all its been a while since Ive posted.. been having great success in the gym the past while and everythings been going great till now. Thought Id see if I could get some advice to possibly push through my problem Stats: Age:28 Height: 6'2" Weight: 215(now) 227(when I finished bulk End of...