masteron enanthate

  1. VAGeo87

    Off-Season Plan - Mast E vs Deca?

    Hey All, -Very curious about the possible idea of Mast E instead of Deca. If anyone could share their experiences running Mast E, that would be great. How you felt, what results were seen? -Been running on just low does Cyp for some time now, ready to up the dose some and add in a second...
  2. M

    Mid-Blast Lab Report - Axle Labs - 800mg Test E / 900mg Mast E

    What's up, guys. Attached below are the results from my most recent labs, pulled four weeks into my current cycle. My cycle started at 300mg Test E / 300mg Mast E, pending news of whether I'd be getting surgery or not. Once I was cleared, I escalated to where I am now. You'll see the...
  3. M

    Testo Enanthate + Primo + Masteron

    Hi to all, I'm actually taking 250mg/ml Testosterone Enanthate + 2 x 100mg/ml Primobolan Enanthate. In particular, I take Testo+Primo on saturday, in a single injection, and additional 100mg/ml Primo on Wednesday. I was wondering if it is worth to add also Masteron since I have it and it has...
  4. D

    Masteron/test cyp/winstrol

    See below for full cycle plan. I’m starting my next cycle it’s been about 2 years since my last. If anyone has any input on the following. I’m 170 5’9 about 10-11% body fat. The last cycle I did was tren Deca test e. I currently have winstrol 50mg oral tabs, test cyp 250, masteron enan 200...
  5. Zro5696

    Cut cycle help

    So I’m an intermediate to advanced gear user and I’m wondering about if I need to take any kind of AI at all I got just about every one you can think of. But my cycle so far looks like this Test E 500mg EW 2X 250mg Monday/Thursday Mast E 400mg EW 2X 200mg Monday/Thursday Anavar 50mg ED Weeks...
  6. A

    Masteron Enanthate 250mg/ml Recipe Question....

    I found this Masteron Enanthate which is supposed to be 250mg/ml: Mast E 250mg/ml - 100ml 25g Mast E Powder 2ml BA 18ml BB 60ml MCT But say that I wanted to make only a 50ml vial, do I just cut each of the ingredients (shown above) in half as shown below? Mast E 250mg/ml - 50ml 12.5g Mast...