masteron p

  1. A

    New to the forum, not new to AAS, can anyone tell me whats up with this PIP?

    Running 800 test 400 deca 400 mast p, all QSC stacked, but for some reason the Masteron prop is like liquid fire and leaves area around pin site red, i do masteron p am and pm subq injection. any information would be greatly appreciated.
  2. D

    Masteron/test cyp/winstrol

    See below for full cycle plan. I’m starting my next cycle it’s been about 2 years since my last. If anyone has any input on the following. I’m 170 5’9 about 10-11% body fat. The last cycle I did was tren Deca test e. I currently have winstrol 50mg oral tabs, test cyp 250, masteron enan 200...
  3. A

    Masteron Enanthate 250mg/ml Recipe Question....

    I found this Masteron Enanthate which is supposed to be 250mg/ml: Mast E 250mg/ml - 100ml 25g Mast E Powder 2ml BA 18ml BB 60ml MCT But say that I wanted to make only a 50ml vial, do I just cut each of the ingredients (shown above) in half as shown below? Mast E 250mg/ml - 50ml 12.5g Mast...
  4. GFitKing2


    Yo Meso - wanted to see if I could get some feedback. I have looked around and most of the threads I found are pretty outdated. So I am running Test E and will be adding Masteron. The cycle will be 12+ weeks. I will be doing 4-600mg a week. However Mast E is dosed at 250 and Mast P at 100...