
  1. J

    PIP in GSO vs MCT combining

    I get some PIP from MCT oil. It’s not terrible, but I get like a little ball or bump at the injection site and it hurts a little bit. This doesn’t happen with GSO. And in fact, when I combine my MCT Test with just half a mL of GSO EQ, it gets rid of the PIP. Anyone else have this experience? At...
  2. H

    Problem or just light PIP?

    On my first cycle and have a question about pip. I am pinning 450mg Test C MCT weekly, split between 2 pinning days. I am warming the vial, drawing with 20g, and injecting into glute with 25g (sterilizing the vial top and injection site heavily before and after injection of course). I’m on my...
  3. M

    Mig 810/812 vs MCT Oil differences?

    Hey Meso, does anyone know the differences between Miglyol 810/812 and regular MCT oil like from NOW Sports? Mainly concerned about shelf life, discoloring, and PIP. Does anyone know if regular MCT discolors after 6-12months? If I'm travelling I wanna put my gear into into empty insulin vials...
  4. Tailor

    Carrier oils blend

    Anyone has experience in blending carrier olis? MCT/Saff or MCT/Cottonsed? It will work or better don't try?