
  1. Type-IIx

    Metformin: Risk/Reward Profile (Tradeoff Considerations; Balancing of Factors; Cost-Benefit Analysis) [Author: Type-IIx]

    Metformin: Risk vs. Reward Profile Author: Type-IIx Here are the basic contours of risks versus rewards for the practical use of Metformin, a biguanide, for bodybuilding, that I will build out with more depth and breadth if readers want to delve deeper: Metformin: anti-hyperglycemic and an...
  2. T

    "Shred" cycle stacking Semaglutide, Metformin, Cardarine and MK-677

    Just coming off a PCT after a 15 week cycle of Test E, NPP and Mast E but sitting at relatively high body weight. Next I am looking to get lean as possible, keeping as much gains from the cycle as i can. I am thinking of 20 weeks "shred" cycle and looking at stacking 1mg Semaglutide a week and...