muscle mass gain

  1. AASraw Chemtox test reports

    In the year of 2019, we did some steroid powder testing in chemtox, here I share them with you. AASraw( as a factory to produce steroid powder, we can guarantee you top quality with factory price.
  2. Z

    Differences between IGF-1 LR3 and IGF-1 DES (mention to PEG-MGF)

    Hi everyone. Since I started in the world of enhancing compounds, something that has always caught my attention above the rest are peptides, especially those that promote the increase of growth hormone and its derivatives. To a greater or lesser extent I have learned a lot about these...
  3. B

    Brazilian Newbie

    Hello Everyone! Looking forward to getting some conversation and advice from this community. I will be starting to plan my first Cycle soon. Currently trying to lose some weight, lost 11lbs so far and I love lifting for honestly the pure joy of getting a good pump, building to new PRs and...
  4. M

    Noob looking for advice

    Hi Guys, If I am posting nonsense, let me know, I'll delete the post. For many years I tried to put on some muscle just with gym and diet, I did ok, but nothing to be proud about. Two months ago I thought to get on steroids, bought the superdrol of high tech pharmaceuticals but after a few...
  5. FlatlandLifter

    BFR, your thoughts on occlusion training.

    Like the title says, I’m interested in hearing your guys’ thoughts on blood flow restriction training or occlusion training. I’ve been thinking about trying it based on the benefits/claims to muscle growth.

    High Protein Bugs?

    Hi there, new to the forum. I was reading some reviews at Cricket Powder Protein that was recommending, as the name suggests, using protein powder made from CRICKETS to support muscle growth! Have any of you guys/girls heard anything about this? If so, does it taste weird? I'd love to hear...
  7. Testacular

    Maximum Muscle Mass Gain Natural/Steroids

    Came across this model: Lyle McDonald's Natural Lean Muscle Mass Gain Model Years Training: Muscle Gain: 1 year 20-25 pounds (2 pounds per month) 2 years 10-12 pounds (1 pound per month) 3 years 5-6 pounds (.5 pound per month) 4 years 2-3 pounds (not worth calculating) with other similar...